What Critics Are Saying
"All the works here are arresting ... The attention to propulsive rhythm, sometimes even pulse, puts Vicens in the orbit of today’s music."
Rob Haskins, American Record Guide, 2025
"The music here manages to bridge the adventurous and the traditionally (in the tradition of Schoenberg and those mentioned above) beautiful music."
Nick Ostrum, Free Jazz Collective, 2025
"Vicéns’ music paints a barren but gripping soundscape that emphasizes sparse, disconnected chords."
Michael Schell, Sequenza 21, 2025
"This album is a virtual mosaic of precious musical moments."
Donald Brackett, Critics At Large, 2024
"... strikingly original music."
Gary Higginson, MusicWeb International, 2024
"It is thus to the adventurous that I give a hearty recommendation of this well-recorded disc."
David DeBoor Canfield, Fanfare Magazine, 2024
“This is precise, concentrated music that has real edge to it.”
Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill, 2024
“It definitely belongs among the finest records enjoyed by this writer in 2024."
Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes, 2024
"C’est un compositeur qui a trouvé son esthétique, une espèce de grand continuum très organisé ponctué de surprises, de variations sonores. Je trouve cette musique magnifique …"
Thierry Vagne, Musique classique & Co, 2024
“With this album we see another side of his musical personality: the composer of contemporary chamber works.”
Daniel Barbiero, Avant Music News, 2024
“A distinct and mature composer with a musical vision of his own.”
Eyal Hareuveni, Salt Peanuts, 2024
"The performances and recording quality are superb throughout. Most of all, Gabriel Vicéns has an individual voice, and one certainly worth hearing. Recommended."
Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine, 2024
“Un gusto minimalista che trasmette tanto, dando alla musica un’intensità fuori dal comune."
Vittorio Loconte, Kathodik, 2024
"Vicéns possesses an impressive command of late 20th-century classical techniques and practices, including those from the related, but separate big-tent experimental movement."
Néstor Castiglione, MusicWeb International, 2024
“Vicéns has mastered the art of less-is-more… It is the dance of all the players that makes Mural a mesmerizing work of art.”
Hans Werksman, Here Comes The Flood, 2024
"Jede musikalische Bewegung hat ein ganz in sich stimmiges Tempo (das fließend seine Bewegungsintensität verändert), alle Klangformationen dieser hier sieben vorgelegten Kammermusikstücke lassen Luft zum Hören."
Martin Hufner, Neue Musikzeitung, 2024
"This is spacious music where Vicéns injects ample room for thought, just what art is supposed to do."
C. Michael Bailey, Wild Mercury Rhythm, 2024
"Un créateur est toujours seul et il développe une connectivité impressionnante pour à la fois ne plus l’être et le demeurer; Gabriel Vicéns prouve ici qu’il n’est pas toujours nécessaire de construire une Festspielhaus en Franconie pour se sentir entouré."
Bertrand Bolognesi, Anaclase, 2024
"I think that is indeed what makes Mural such an evocative listen, the often uneven layers of instrumentation, the cracks of silence in the compositions, and the sometimes slow regaining of momentum after everything has fallen away."
John Mulhouse, The Daily Vault, 2024
"Intense, free-roaming piano-based compositions from avant-garde composer Gabriel Vicéns, inspired by the decay of Roman & Egyptian frescoes."
Bandcamp (New and Notable) , 2024
"Een eerste kennismaking met deze boeiende componist die in zijn werk op zoek gaat naar de relatie tussen muziek en beeldende kunst en daar wonderwel in slaagt."
Ben Taffijn, Nieuwe Noten, 2024
"... his idea of contemporary classical sounds unfolds with intrigue and innovation."
Tom Haugen, Take Effect, 2024
“Mural is a mysterious and dreamlike hallucinatory film of the mind.”
Andrew Johnstone, The Joy of Classical Music, 2024
“Vicéns is shining a spotlight on his compositional capabilities in places afar from where we last encountered him working.”
Peter Thelen, Exposé Online, 2024
"The meticulously constructed compositions benefit from canny arrangements utilising all the instruments in a perfectly balanced formation of tonality and harmonic colour."
Roger Farbey, Jazz Journal, 2021 ★★★★
"... a remarkable voice and an artist with something valid to say."
R.J. DeLuke, All About Jazz, 2021
"Gabriel Vicéns has created a thoughtful, exciting, and powerful program... dive headfirst into this delightful disk!"
Richard B. Kamins, Step Tempest, 2021
“Themes are tight, solos grip throughout …”
Mike Hobart, Jazzwise Magazine, 2021
"Complex melodies and intricate rhythms inspired by the Puerto Rican music and dance styles bomba and plena showcase his heritage to dazzling effect."
Julian Maynard-Smith, London Jazz News, 2021
"A fully composed energetic jazz deep-dive informed by the folk sounds of his native Puerto Rico."
Peter Thelen, Exposé Online, 2021
"Lyrical post-bop originals are delivered by rich-toned guitarist Gabriel Vicens and his team ..."
George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly, 2021
"Blessed with strong, original compositions and a high level of performance, its own unique flavour makes it a very enjoyable listen."
Mikes Gates, UK Vibe, 2021 ★★★★
“We are all born to be creative, he says, and The Way We Are Created is a strong argument in favor.”
Mark Sullivan, All About Jazz, 2021 ★★★★
"... un disco rebosante de personalidad y energía."
Marcos Flores, Más Jazz Digital, 2021
"Tätä levyä on helppo kuunnella, sen monipuolisen herkän äänen, viihdyttävän soitannollisuuden, äänimaisemallisuuden ja selkeästi muotoiltujen hienojen solistiosuuksien taidokkuuden vuoksi."
Jouko Kirstilä, Jazzrytmit, 2021
"A joyous jazz guitar album, where leaping songs are lit up by silvery melodic leads."
Bandcamp (New and Notable), 2021
"An exceptional artist, with a shimmering sense of sonority and the ability to find a keen balance between poetry and intensity"
Raul Da Gama, Latin Jazz Network, 2017
"A thoughtful improviser with a quiet tone who makes every note count"
Scott Yanow, Downbeat Magazine, 2016 ★★★★
"A rising jazz guitarist... Vicéns has provided a splendid recording that conveys a clear representation of his culture and individuality."
Mark F. Turner, All About Jazz, 2015 ★★★★1/2
"Gabriel Vicéns Debüt-Nachfolger markiert einen beachtlichen Sprung voran – vor allem in die Etage ganz oben, wo nicht nur die Meister thronen, sondern auch die Präger."
Alexander Schmitz, Jazz Podium, 2015
“Guitarist Gabriel Vicens and his crew of Puerto Rican all-stars, turn in one compelling performance on his impressive Days.”
Edward Blanco, All About Jazz, 2015 ★★★★
"... Vicéns recorre por un arcoíris melódico, donde su guitarra brilla; reafirmando la versatilidad y habilidad prodigiosa con el instrumento.”
Vicente Toledo Rohena, El Vocero, 2015
“… a fascinating album.”
Chris Mosey, All About Jazz, 2015 ★★★★
"Una abundancia de buenas vibraciones ... Vicéns es uno de los grandes exponentes del jazz puertorriqueño actual."
Rafael Vega Curry, Fundación Nacional Para La Cultura Popular, 2015
"Days on yli 70 minuutin tuhti paketti rehevää nykyaikaista jazzkerrontaa."
Jouko Kirstilä, Jazzrytmit, 2015
“… a very good, satisfyingly well-crafted album indeed.”
Roger Farbey, All About Jazz, 2015
“Een jonge zelfverzekerde pionier, waar vele gerijpte jazzlui al iets in zien.”
Coen de Jonge, Jazzism, 2013 ★★★★
"Guitarist-composer Gabriel Vicéns, a leading light of Puerto Rico’s jazz scene, flaunts a modernist sensibility on his impressive debut as a leader"
Bill Milkowski, Jazz Times Magazine, 2012
"Point In Time is a full-bodied debut record filled with bright moments, enchanting sounds and thrilling journeys. The Zeitgeist of modern jazz is exhibited through Vicens' work."
Dan Bilawsky, All About Jazz, 2012 ★★★★
"Point in Time is as strong a debut record as any jazz guitarist could hope for. The tunes are well-written, the arrangements engaging and full of creativity and the performances are world class, everything one could want in a modern jazz record."
Matt Warnock, Guitar International, 2012
"Solid, well executed and with an ebb and flow that makes Point In Time engaging straight through."
Brent Black, Critical Jazz, 2012
"Musiken er velspillet og placerer sig paent i splitstrommen pa de sidste ti ars jazz."
Niels Overgard, Jazz Special, 2012
"... dynamic interplay and soul beyond mere mood-setting."
Andrew J. Sammut, All About Jazz, 2012 ★★★★
"Non sta passando inosservato l'esordio di questo giovane chitarrista portoricano che s'impone per le doti strumentali e soprattuto per la maturita di compositore e leader."
Leonardi, Musica Jazz, 2012
"Vicéns' resourceful, impressive view is such that the Collective We will want to experience anew."
Mark Keresman, Jazz Inside Magazine, 2012
"Yksi uuden polven merkittävimmistä jazzsoittajista Puerto Ricossa ... Vicéns on tehnyt tukevaa työtä sävellyksissään ... monipuolinen, seesteinen ja henkevän kurinalainen soittokokonaisuus, mikä antaa miellyttävän pitkän kuunteluhetken."
Jouko Kirstilä, Jazzrytmit, 2012
"Es el mejor debut discográfico de un músico puertorriqueño que se ha escuchado en mucho tiempo …"
Rafael Vega Curry, El Nuevo Día, 2012
“Sammantaget en mycket tilltalande platta av en spännande musiker i vardande och det skulle inte förvåna mig om Gabriel Vicéns om något år eller två dyker upp som ”rising star” på Down Beats gitarristlista.”
Ulf Thelander, Orkester Journalen, 2012 ★★★★
“Puerto Rican guitarist Gabriel Vicéns heads a solid quintet of young players …”
Jeff Dayton-Johnson, All About Jazz, 2012
"As the Puerto Rican guitarist thoughtfully develops each improvised solo, it's easy to forget this is his debut release. What's more, his beautifully crafted, thoroughly modern compositions fill the entire program."
James Rozzi, Jazziz Magazine, 2012